backdated; april 19th, 2005

In and out. In and out.

    It was something she repeated over and over again, perched high upon a building directly across from the Eiffel Tower. She could see the people, the victors of the current race and the politicians standing before them. She could feel the rush, the nerves of the idea of the one bullet lodged in her chamber was meant for a criminal. A man who was wanted in nearly twenty countries and had hidden away his identity for nearly a decade. It took an entire team of smarties and herself gathering intel on one of the current members of the most wanted list. But it was the sight before, the Eiffel Tower witnessing her first official kill that wasn't on American soil. She was nervous. If she missed she'd never hear the end of it.

In and out. In and out.

    "Do you know what you're doing?" Samuel, the spotter on her left asked her. He had just started, was fresh off the farm and was nervous. He wasn't used to death, nor the idea of helping someone kill another human being. She knew the feeling. The first kill she had ever taken part of, rocked her to her very core. But she knew, the woman they killed needed to disappear. That she was menace to her homeland and needed to be removed. Brenna took a breath and looked over the younger boy. "I know exactly what I'm doing." She looked through the scope, flipping the eye patch over her free eye. "Just do what you're told and we won't have any problems." She could sense the boy's nerves shake when she spoke those words but she ignored them; waiting for that perfect shot.

In and out. In and out.

    The wind angled just a little, but the bullet in her chamber danced as it waited. The moment came however, the change was slight but she fired the bullet. The wind sang with the sound of the large crash as she heard the man go down. The screaming ensued and the people panicked. "Up," she spoke with both urgency and harshness towards the boy. "We move to the vehicle and towards the safe house." He looked at her, the fear of being separated was clear as day. But if wanted to be apart of the CIA, the boy had little choice. She felt the rush as she packed her gun and cleaned the area. She tossed the rifle into the safe spot behind a makeshift wall along the rooftop. She quickly cleaned her scent up with bleach in a spray bottle and made her way down the ladder towards the motorcycle waiting.

Hide and seek.

    She waited, for what seemed like hours but was a routine time to wait. The boy never showed, that pit her in her stomach only grew as time. He wasn’t back and time had come up. The news blared with the sound of the death, but the man deserved it. He may have coveted first place, but he was a killer and liar. She swallowed the urge to go for the boy and left the safe house. She easily notified the company and let them know there was a hiccup. "You mean he never came back?" Her handler eyed her through the shared webcam. "No, I specifically said the safehouse." She clarified. "Go after him. If he's caught he needs to be terminated before he gives you away." Brenna knew what this meant, more blood upon her hands and she didn't care a single bit. "Yes, sir."

Death and Glory.

    She traced his steps, he was clumsy and she was smart. He wasn't just anyone he was trained in the farm and he knew her face. If he was caught he'd either break or rot in prison. She was right in believing he was caught but it wasn't the police that got him. It was the spray of bullets shot from the bank robbery down the road from the safe house. The boy had been caught up in the shooting. She knew that he was scared, that if he smart enough he would've listened to the scanner they all carried with them. He was dead. Death was a funny thing to her now, there was no fear but the black cloud of lackluster upon her very shoulders spoke wonders to the rest of the world around her. Closing her eyes as she left the morgue, Brenna knew better than question her handler. He wanted the boy's tracker out, she did just that. Quickly removing the chip, that was now buried deep within her pocket.

In and out. In and out.

    "R.I.P. young Samuel, may you rest in a place where god welcome's you with open arms." The words that left her lips, echoed in the past as she walked down the path towards her meeting place with her Handler.